Outlet Installation, Upgrades & Service
Safe and Affordable Electrical Outlets Installed Inspected and Serviced in Apex, Chapel Hill, Pittsboro, and the Raleigh-Durham Area
When you value your home safety and want to make your house as safe as possible, you get a certified electrician from B&T Services. This is important if you want the safety features in your outlets and GFCI plugs to work correctly.
Without the services of a professional electrical contractor, you could end up with faulty wiring which is one of the leading causes of home electrical fires. If you’re living in Apex, Pittsboro and Chapel Hill, and you are looking for a reliable electrical services company, then contact B&T.
We can install, upgrade and repair regular 3-prong and GFCI outlets in homes, offices, and businesses. Our electricians are certified, trained, and licensed. They are recognized for their high level of skill and are knowledgeable in their craft. Our technicians are courteous, will treat your home with respect and leave you satisfied that the job was well done.
Prevent electrical shocks with GFCI outlet installations
One of the best precautions that you can take to protect you and your family is to invest in GFCI outlets. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) are devices that protect against electric shock, especially in areas where moisture is expected. The devices detect variances in the electrical current and if there’s a problem, automatically shut off power to that part of the circuit.
When you want to use your appliances or outlets without fear of being shocked, then upgrade to GFCI outlets. If you want to upgrade old non-grounded two-pronged outlets to three-pronged, grounded outlets without installing new wires, then ask your electricians for GFCI devices. GFCI outlets also prevent electrical shocks from faults in the electrical devices plugged in the outlets. When a fault is detected, the GFCI device will shut off power to the outlet and devices to prevent the user from being shocked. Each GFCI outlet comes with a test and a reset button. These buttons allow you to test your GFCI outlets – which you should do at least monthly for safety reasons, and to reset your outlet when it trips from protecting you from an electrical shock.

Save 15%
on any Outlet Repair or Upgrades over $500!
Must be presented prior to work being performed. Not valid with any other offer. Please contact B&T Service for details and limitations. Expires 3-31-25.

More outlets? Your electrical panel may require upgrade or replacement.
When you’re adding or upgrading outlets, consider having your panel inspected to make sure it’s up to the task.
A Wise Investment In Your Home’s Safety
Invest in your home safety by choosing the right electrical company for all your electrical needs, including outlet and installations and repairs. When you want to prevent electric shocks in areas where water might be present, then install GFCI outlets – and if you want this done right, then get a professional electrical contractor.
Schedule an electrical inspection or call us at 919-362-5846 for new GFCI outlets to be installed by B&T Services.
GFCI outlets are highly recommended for:
- Outside plugs
- Bathroom plugs
- Plugs on your kitchen countertop
- Plugs for pool pumps & jacuzzis
If a GFCI plug trips in one of these areas, ensure the outlet is dry before resetting. If this does not work, then contact B&T.